Quotes are Thought Experiments
Everybody has seen the glut of “motivational” or “inspirational” quotes. They are rarely from anybody successful posting them, but for many it is a catharsis to just post something as they struggle. I can’t say that quotes have ever drawn me to action in the way they are written, they do sometimes get my brain working to debunk them. This is dark, sarcastic, and maybe trolling a little, but enjoy yourred pill in a blue pill world.
10 Surprisingly Inspirational Quotes from Evil People
Money talks, bull***t walks
A thought experiment is a hypothetical that asks the user to think of all the consequences and even the position of the person posing the question. If you know about Mensa, you are used to the premise.
Most of them are just about risk for reward, not really risk vs reward. The hard work pays off mentality of employees praying a meritocracy exists.
Words build bridges into unexplored regions.
That is an epic fucking quote, right? Don’t dare Google who wrote it.
Ideas are more powerful than guns.
I believe in one thing only, the power of human will.
Powerful. So much so that his ideas meant rounding up imprisoning and killing millions of his own people. Joe was a rascal.
Great things never came from comfort zones
Pretty much a lie right there. The comfort zone is the destination, it by definition, is great, you’re comfortable. The between the lines here is someone scared of taking a step forward, they are buying in to risk vs reward. The destination is a comfortable place… They are basically begging for support, not bolding going in to the beyond. The person that said nothing has the “wiring” to go forward without seeking the approval or support of anyone else.
Not all who wander are lost
The only people that use this quote are vapid white girls. In reality it is about telling somebody playtime is fucking over, you are now expected to save the god-damned world from destruction.
Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can
Settle for your limitations. Your fate may be nothing.
A little progress each day adds up to big results
Feigning interest about interest. Little risk, minor rewards. It is supposed to mean gaining motivation by increasing momentum, just like the bullshit “journey of a thousand steps.”
I find a lot of it as an almost religious narrative where people are told to accept the lot in life they are given.
Equality Means Nothing Unless Incorporated Into the Institutions.
There is something great here until you realize the person here lead a genocide in the former Yugoslavia.
Success is not meant for the meek
I said that. I don’t believe that a soft spoken person will convey with conviction even the brightest of ideas. It is going to take someone else to bring the idea forward. An idea needs someone to pontificate, someone people want to be lead by, to follow. An introvert may post something profound, but it is not going to become a movement. The risk of coming out, taking a position that may be unpopular and willing to look the fool to be a hero or a martyr. Everybody wants to be a hero with their words, the actions, well as they say…
Talk is cheap